Greenpoint, New York, 11222
Gotham Greens is on a mission to transform how and where fresh produce is grown. We are a pioneer in urban indoor agriculture and a leading fresh produce and food company. Through our national network of local high-tech farms, Gotham Greens delivers fresh, long-lasting and delicious leafy greens, herbs, salad dressings and pesto dips. all year round to retail, restaurant and foodservice customers. Founded in 2009, the company opened its first greenhouse in Brooklyn, N.Y., shortly thereafter. Today, Gotham Greens operates 500,000 square feet of high-tech greenhouses across five U.S. states.
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A rooftop garden in New York City. New York City doesn’t have much arable land, but it does have a ton... Read More
Go behind the scenes at Gotham Greens in Brooklyn, New York, where all kinds of leafy greens are grown in their state-of-the-art... Read More