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 Bookingbox Palau

Welcome to the landing page for Bookingbox Palau.

This page is a temporary page to share news and info about the circular economy, sustainability, eco-products & eco-services in Palau.


This island nation in the Pacific Ocean is on its way to becoming the world’s first carbon-neutral tourist destination with citizens and visitors alike pledging to live eco-consciously.

(Source: Youtube)

Lonely Planet

Ocean Acidification

Monaco Explorations, vidéo about Palau Mission with the description of the Palau International Coral Reef Center of PALAU (PICRC) in collaboration with the Centre Scientifique de Monaco.

(Source: Youtube)

Monaco Explorations

Climate Change

“Climate change has affected this country in ways that we really didn’t foresee.” 

Palau in the Pacific filled with natural wonders, but in recent years, climate change is starting to take a toll on the country and its people. 

Sea levels, one of its biggest threats, are expected to rise 42cm to 195cm by the year 2100. 

CNA visited the small island nation to see how the residents are coping. 

(Source: Youtube)

Channel News Asia

Plastic Polution

In November of 2018, Oceanic Society, Heirs To Our Oceans, Plastic Pollution Coalition, and Drifters Project embarked upon a new and different expedition in the island nation of Palau. 

A team of artists, youth activists, conscientious tourists, and conservationists came together to explore solutions to eliminate the sources of plastic on our oceans.

(Source: Youtube)

Heirs To Our Oceans

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