Reverse Logistics
Royal Leamington Spa, England, CV34 6WE
“Take, make, waste” is no longer a viable way of operating in the fast-moving-consumer-goods (FMCG) industry. Billions of clothing items find their way into landfills every year, plastic bottles are polluting the oceans and electronic waste is harmful. The circular economy is a system which regenerates itself in a closed loop. Products are used, recovered, repaired and used as input to more products and not disposed of as waste. Achieving, or at least getting closer to, this situation is a mission being pursued by most of the leading global manufacturers and retailers including LÓreal, Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Veolia, and Dell.
source; SCCG website
The road to success can be a long one. Because when your final destination is across the water, or even just... Read More
The consultants at The Supply Chain Consulting Group Ltd are automation and mechanisation experts. We help companies... Read More