The opportunity: re-thinking the fashion industry.
Waste is a failure of imagination.
Douglas McMaster
This Saturday I was again present in front of my computer to follow the webinar from’The Footwearists’. It was the best one ever, and the last speaker blows us away. This marvellous dutch textile designer is Aniela Hoitink. Founder of MycoTex.
Her mission: ‘to empower people trough personalised and sustainable textiles. ‘
Working on visions of growing textiles. Neffa had already many project in growing the future of fashion. Words, can’t describe, please take your time to visit this website.
In 2020 they would like to develop a pilot Collection to test Shorter and Sustainable Fashion production chain on a smaller scale.
For that reason it’s perhaps a good idea to look up
We do have the opportunity for re-thinking the fashion industry.
picture by Ylanite Koppens