Bray, County Wicklow
Common Ground CoHousing is a pioneering housing initiative based in Bray, County Wicklow. With 35 adult members making up 25 households, we are a diverse group striving to create a sustainable, affordable and vibrant community.
Drawing inspiration from our mentors LILAC Leeds UK we aim to establish the first Mutual Home Ownership Society in Ireland, which will provide secure, affordable, and flexible housing for our members. It is our hope to progress CoHousing in Ireland and promote its practical, social, economic and environmental benefits.
We believe that our model of living is a genuine solution to both the housing and climate crises in Ireland. Already we are documenting our journey with the aim to provide interested groups with a template that they can follow to emulate our achievements. We hope that our example will establish a new paradigm for housing, living and sustainability in the State.
(Source: soa.ie website)