I went for a walk and after some miles, I started feeling hungry. I opened my backpack and took out a snack. That snack was covered in a wrapper. I removed the wrapper and started eating my snack.
Let's stop here for a moment...
The wrapper I removed was made out of plastic and will end up in the bin.
But not everyone is so eco-minded and in the worst-case scenario, the wrapper is just dropped on the ground...
Did you know that this kind of litter can be found almost everywhere now?
There is a good solution to remove this litter:
Take a look at Litterati.org
A useful app where you can use your smartphone to photograph s piece of litter, discard it properly & tag the photo, invite or challenge others and use litter data to inspire change.
Now I go out for a walk and take my litter picker and a binbag with me to collect the litter I find.
Sad to say that I return home every time with a full bin bag.
We need to change our ways to save our environment.