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Showing 154 - 162 of 214 Results

Eco-Friendly Businesses - Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuid Oost Vlaanderen Zottegem

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Zottegem, Vlaanderen, 9620, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Balen

The Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Balen is one of the locations for this organisation. This non-profit organisation collected over many tons of re-useable materials

Balen, Vlaanderen, 2490, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Geel

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Geel, Vlaanderen, 2440, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Heist Op Den Berg

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Heist-op-den-Berg, Vlaanderen, 2220, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Herentals

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Herentals, Vlaanderen, 2200, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Herselt

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Herselt, Vlaanderen, 2230, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Kasterlee

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Kasterlee, Vlaanderen, 2460, Belgium

Kringwinkel Zuiderkempen Laakdal

This non-profit organisation collected many tons of re-useable materials. These materials are given a second life when sold in the Kringwinkel shops. 

Veerle, Vlaanderen, 2431, Belgium

Le Champignon De Bruxelles

What if we use organic waste to produce healthy food for the people of Brussels? What if we transform this beer waste into delicious, nutritive mushrooms?

Anderlecht, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, 1070, Belgium 0032